Jellyneo neoquest. Characters. Jellyneo neoquest

 CharactersJellyneo neoquest  Released: February 19, 2004

net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Exact. Aisha. Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny / Guide. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Normal: 15 HP. Neoquest 3D. Battle Tips: You'll find the Miner Forman in the cave northwest of Trestin. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. " Rest Point. For the sake of comparison, 9-icon weapons like Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer and Throwing Cutlass can be found for under 1,000NP, and the 11-icon. Jellyneo. At first you'll only see Rohane, but as you progress through the game you'll gain more members. After completing all of Ariel's event-related dialogue, you will receive a neomail rewarding the avatar (provided your Neopets account is linked in the app). Insane: 30 HP. Monsters. He also uses Group Shielding which raises. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Meridell - Central Meridell. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. 00 Mean: 10. My great-grandma was one of the original settlers. Be sure to rest and upgrade your weapons and armor. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Once in Meridell Castle - he will flee after he loses half of his health. Normally, we just have a few wizards who quietly practice their magics, and the tradesmen who pass through frequently. Jellyneo. Defeat a Bionic Cybunny in Chapter 5 of NeoQuest II. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Faerieland - Faerie City Inn. Listed at the top are the characters in your party. Our database contains information on every item currently in existence on Neopets, including some items that have never been released! Newest Items. Another maze, another set of stairs - leading down this time. Quotes Ha! Let's see how. Well, Okara's given her okay, if you need a place to rest for the night. (The green area below the desert is a monster-free zone. He turns to you and says, "Now of course, the sandstorm may very well. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. NeoQuest Monsters In his journeys across Ancient Neopia, the nameless NeoQuest Hero encountered many different enemies who attempted to stop him. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. Normal: 210 HP. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. You cannot find the Medallion until you talk to Bukaru, even though you know where it is. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!. Seaside's social scene is more complex than you might imagine. Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Here's what you can find on the site: For Neopets Players, New and Old: Helpful Articles. Bosses are scattered through the various chapters of NeoQuest II, and they are really just glorified monsters. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Some of them are optional - which means you can finish the game without facing them and just skip by them. Only after the NeoQuest hero defeated Xantan was Rikti free to go back to. 1 of Island Builders, talk to Ariel the Ruki to finish the Altador Cup tie-in event. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Follow the puddles to take the shortest route through the cave. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!20. (It's our own version of the Neopets Rainbow Pool . With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Released: April 27, 2004. You Win: 500 Neopoints. Battle Tips: Fighting the Devilpuss shouldn't be much of a challenge, even on InSaNe. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Ramtors Spellbook is a classic 10-icon Neoquest 2 prize. Jellyneo. Jellyneo. Jellyneo. Released: April 27, 2004. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Just getting to him is a pain - his underlings are quite tough. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. 5. Add to Wishlist. Monsters. The main thing is to keep everyone's health up. 7 of light, 2. Posted on the Discord about it a while ago, but I'm not sure how much reddit/discord overlap. Released. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! NeoQuest II. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Battle Tips: You'll be fighting Ramtor twice. net! Welcome to Jellyneo, the #1 ad-free Neopets help site! We offer news and tips for the popular online game Neopets. ) Monsters. This guy can dole out a considerable amount of damage and he can be pretty resilient against magic, making damage potions mostly useless. After defeating Gebarn II in the Ruined Temple, you will gain access to Waset Village and everything north. Battle Tips: Scuzzy has a damage spell that strikes everyone at once, so keep an eye on everyone's health. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Monsters. 56. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Monsters. Normal: 35 HP. Insane: 310 HP. Any Unknown Multiuse Single Use Fragile Semi-Fragile Once per Battle Fragile Once Per Battle. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Neoquest Hero. The Book of Ages is Jellyneo's version of a Neopian encyclopaedia. You Win: 200 Neopoints. Jellyneo. 56. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! neoquest. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. > "I'd like to rent a room for the night. Drops:Jellyneo. Build your own wishlists and NC trade lists of Neopets items, too!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Some of the citizens wanted to make a fresh start down here in the Underclouds. They ship all manner of goods through here, although business has dried up a bit, now that the bridge is unusable. One of the key aspects of NeoQuest II is leveling up. Cont. It offers a chance at Neopoint and item prizes for doing simple tasks around the Neopets site! The Quest Log can be easily accessed from any mobile-friendly-Beta-layout page by clicking the scroll and quill icon in the top right corner. Drops: Jellyneo. Species: Aisha. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. One of the key aspects of NeoQuest II is leveling up. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Missing Something? Balthazar the Bounty Hunter was abandoned by his family at the edge of the Haunted Woods when he was still a small cub. 12. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. You'll likely need to do some fighting around. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. You'll likely need to do some fighting around. Categories: Advent Calendar, Special. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Jellyneo. to. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. NeoQuest Hero | Book of AgesItem Name. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!19. Monsters. Monsters. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Normally, we just have a few wizards who quietly practice their magics, and the tradesmen who pass through frequently. Monsters. Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Battle Tips: The Four Faeries are some of the hardest bosses in Neoquest II. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. It is recommended that you fight Hubrid Nox, if only for the experience, but be prepared. " Rest Point. Skills: Obliterate (Damage 100), Astral Maelstrom (Group Damage 64), Rampant Acceleration (Haste 38%), Petrification (Slow 62%) Drops: Half of a Sliver Key, 1 Armour/Weapon, 5,000 Gold. NeoQuest + NeoQuest II. After you win, talk to him and he'll reveal the location of the final Medallion Piece - the barrel behind him. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Drops: Rusty Chain Tunic, Healing Flask. When he went down to the dungeons for some exploring, monsters attacked him and he fled to the second floor, where there were none. Complete this page of your. Wunarka says, "Don't fret about Illun, there. Monsters. Jellyneo. Normally, we just have a few wizards who quietly practice their magics, and the tradesmen who pass through frequently. Defense Icons. We are, technically, adventurers, but not by choice. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Part. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!3,000 HP. NeoQuest II. Calam will let you rest for free. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. You Win: 500 Neopoints. Jellyneo. If you want a 20% discount on potions, you'll need to talk to Uthare followed by Uthyni completely - then Uthare will offer you the discount when you trade with him. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Meridell - Seaside. (The green area below the desert is a monster-free zone. She'll be an extremely useful addition to your party, but only if you remember to use her skill points. Make the loop around to Von Roo's Castle where you can fight Meuka if you so choose. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!neoquest. Years later, a wizard took up residence there, and his evil experiments raised the late citizens into an undead army that he wanted to. Battle Tips: Zombom's Decimate spell can chop up to 31 HP off you, he can heal, and he can also cast haste. Jellyneo. Plains Aisha. Battle Tips: Fighting the Leximp is optional, but you'll have to if you want to trade or rest in Chia Oscuro. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Go battle King Coltzan, even though he would prefer not to fight at all. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Suggested Level. Maps and skill suggestions are included! Be sure to click the colored text to open them. Beating 1-Player Challenger Opponents now awards loot after defeating a challenger. If you have some spare time, take the lower stairs farther into the basement. Find a complete listing of every item on Neopets. Stamp Collector - NeoQuest II / Guide. Search Neopets. Our hero is a brave and courageous Lupe who will try to help solve the mystery of why Ancient Neopia is overrun with monsters and fiends. Skills: Vivication (Group Heal 78), Immune to Rohane's Stunning Strike, Renew (Heal 150) Drops: 3 Weapons/Armor, 2,500 Gold. Skill Guide. Skills: Zeal (Haste 18%), Entice (mesmerize), Repair (Heal 70), Liquefy (doesn't seem to hit for more than 50) Drops: 3 Healing Bottles, 2 Weapons/Armor. Skill Guide. Jellyneo. guide - NeoQuest 1 walkthrough. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. NeoQuest II | Book of Ages Home Characters Hubs NeoQuest II NeoQuest II This adventure told the tale of Rohane and his crew of Neopets, as their ship was infested. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. I've never gone beyond the edge of the Eye, myself, not that I'd want to these days, what with all the beasts and monsters roaming the countryside. Select a Character: Rohane | Mipsy | Talinia | Velm. Normal: 15 HP. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. 50 Maximum: 13. Each dome has a specific set of prizes. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!. Level Guide. Haunted Woods Faerieland. If you'd like to see. Released: April 27, 2004. Drops: Healing Vial. (There is 1 unknown price. You will also be able to get the Medallion Gemstone in the eastern desert. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Monsters. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. (The green area below the desert is a monster-free zone. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. In the chaos, the Medallion disappeared, along with Gebarn II's body. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Defeat a Bionic Cybunny in Chapter 5 of NeoQuest II. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. 56. Locked on a course to the sun, the crew had to enter the computer simulations of five different lands in order to defeat the virus. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Meridell - Seaside. You can expect to see Sophies Magic Hat and perhaps Rod of Dark Nova used against this. Released: April 27, 2004. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. He was once a member of the Circle of Twelve, and led them into corruption after they sealed away Xantan. Defeat the boss Devilpuss in Chapter 5 of NeoQuest II. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. ) You can even see a list of which ones haven't been released yet! Search Unconverted Pets. Battling them is, for. Skills are extremely important in NeoQuest II, as they can boost damage output, increase defense, and give you. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Skills: Rampant Acceleration (Haste 38%), Infestation (Group Damage 44), Petrification (Slow 62%) Drops: 2 Weapons/Armor, 2,000 gold. World: Trophies: Neopoint Ratio: Our Difficulty Rating: 0% [Send in a Game Tip] -. From character biographies to historical museum exhibits, take a leisurely browse through our companion to all things Neopets. Watch out for his Infestation spell which can chop up to 44 HP off each party member, but Velm's Group. December 8, 2022. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Services Portal; My Wishlists;. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. Insane: 30 HP. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Item Usage. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Attack Icons. Characters. Whenever one of your party members gains a level, you have the opportunity to spend a skill point on increasing one of many skills available to your party members. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. It's kinda rusty, but it's free! Help us improve! Each of these avatars is obtainable at various points throughout the game. to. Trading Post History. Aisha. Any Unknown Multiuse Single Use Fragile Semi-Fragile Once per Battle Fragile Once Per Battle. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. The Book of Ages is Jellyneo's version of a Neopian encyclopaedia. With over 800 pages of quality content, you. Current times to beat can be found on the NeoQuest II Fastest Wins page. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. After you stay at White River's inn, stock up on Blast Potions. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! 47. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Any Unknown Multiuse Single Use Fragile Semi-Fragile Once per Battle Fragile Once Per Battle. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Comes from the eye-like shape of the lake, and the forest and mountains around it. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. (There is 1. … » Baby Aisha Key Quest Token 300 NC Released on December 31, 2012 By activating this token from your inventory, you'll receive the following item: Ornate Rattle Staff Baby. Aisha. Skills: Zeal (Haste 18%), Decimate (Dmg 31), Aid (Heal 40) Drops: 1 Weapon/Armor, 3 Healing Flasks, 150 gold. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. com, with detailed information about each item, its description, rarity, categories, and more. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Your Neopets Dailies. Lost Desert - North West Desert. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Clicking on it will open a game in a new window. There are lots of special activities on Neopets that you can visit called "dailies," usually since you can visit them once per day. 57. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. You control. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. Jellyneo. Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny / Guide. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!. Currently Released: 25 / 25 The stamps above will cost approximately 102,377,325 NP or more. It's quite a trek from White River to Lakeside, but fights should be a breeze with Mipsy dishing out a ton of damage. Monsters. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!22. Jellyneo. Battle Tips: Gebarn II guards the Medallion of Wind. He can scratch you for critical hits and slowing strikes, as well as stun everyone, which is annoying but you can handle it. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Jellyneo. Jellyneo. Jellyneo. Drops: Wordstone, 1 Weapon/Armor, 200 Gold, 2 Potions of Regeneration. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!By today's standards it's outdated, but back when NeoQuest and NeoQuest II were new, they were huge hits and lots of fun. Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Your first journey after visiting Waset will be just north and west through the small gap to the Valley of Kings. " While she's saying this, she manages to look everywhere around the room except at you. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Haunted Woods - Nox's Mountains. Next is the Ruined Temple, followed by Waset Village just to the north. com, with detailed information about each item, its description, rarity, categories, and more. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Jellyneo. Aisha. " He twitches a curtain aside, revealing your "room," which is really just a sectioned-off area of the tent. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. This area displays each character's health (or hit points) and how much experience they currently have. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. This whole house should be condemned for not meeting fire code - what a maze! Oh well, up the stairs to the next level. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. One of the key aspects of NeoQuest II is leveling up. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!NeoQuest (aka NeoQuest I, NeoQuest 1, NQ1) is a game created by Neopets . NeoQuest II Neopian Lottery P Petpet Battles Pick Your Own Plushie Tycoon Poogle Racing Potato Counter Pyramids Q Qasalan. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Battle Tips: Fighting the Devilpuss shouldn't be much of a challenge, even on InSaNe. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. was one of the early bosses in the original NeoQuest. Start out around Trestin Village leveling up on fights with the lupes and aishas. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!Jellyneo. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! Services Portal; My Wishlists;. 57. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. Evil: 22 HP. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo!. Monsters. She'll be an extremely useful addition to your party, but only if you remember to use her skill points. net provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience.